byi keyboard spam, i have many personalities, i change them based on who you are
dni problematic, traumadumpers, too sensitive
notes there are times where i can be hyperactive, i wont be able to think/type clearly(・∀・)
♡ cr jibeomcito / taeksplace
kins wendy oldbag dipper pines sebastian debeste xingqiu arei nageishi
ccs odette iris wilson herlock sholmes venti miles edgeworth trucy wright
webtoon oh!holy, friendly rivalry, orange marmalade, purple hyacinth, devil number 4, etc
singers ricky montgomery cavetown ghost and pals iDKhow
songs envy baby, bitter choco decoration, any ricky montgomery song
games mlbb <3 omori genshin (not in fandom)
favs mari omori floryn, lynette lyney, heizou
bestiez heyo cheryl kay jaz